Daphne is my Yellow Labrador Retriever. If you know me, you know her. She is one of a kind, and I am dedicating this post to her.
Daphne has been my tireless companion, nurse and full time source of strength throughout this illness. She has not missed one day of being by my side, on both good days and bad. She is patient and kind and never asks for a thing in exchange for her loyalty and loving spirit. She has a sweet, warm bubbly personality. Even on my worst days when I thought I was surely dieing, her playful smile brought a smile to my face. I have never been alone in this fight, even when the house is empty, she is always, inevitably waiting for me each morning and ready to see me off to bed at night.
Unless you have struggled with Chronic Lyme Disease you can't know the anguish, the pain and emotional toll it takes. Daphne was diagnosed with Lyme at around age 6. She has had a few rounds of Doxycycline in her life. She knows the pain, the suffering and anguish I feel. She is one the few around me who really know.
I don't think I could have made through some of my darkest days without her. The sound of her paws on the floor, the clink of her collar, her yawns and her snoring were the familiar sounds that assured me I was never really been alone. Funny how animals instinctively know when people are sick. On the really bad days, Daphne was glued to my side, laying as close to the bed or couch as she could, her head popping up from time to time to check on me. She has been my friend when I've had no friends, my family when my family has been too busy, or scared to talk about my illness. She has been my wingman when I was alone and afraid to start a new medication, not knowing how it might effect me. I was always comforted knowing if a certain day were my last, she would stay with me until my husband came home to find me.
I love Daphne. When I started this battle she was almost 10 years old. In lab years, that's adolescence. Now she is 12 and a half. She no longer plays ball or runs for the stick. She doesn't run after squirrels or deer in our yard. She is content to watch from afar and observe as many older folks do. Her face is white with age, and she has arthritis in her legs.
I know that at her age, every day is a gift. So on this Valentine's Day, even though I have other Valentines, I feel in my heart I must celebrate Daphne in this blog.
To love an animal is a love like no other. One of the gifts of my life, was the day we chose the smallest female lab puppy of the litter. I knew she needed me, but I never realized how much I would need her.