Friday, December 4, 2009

Sick On Top Of Sick

I must have picked up some kind of virus. I have been sick all week with a URI. It's a bad one, low grade fever, chills, chest congestion, and a sore throat like I have never had. I fought it all week and today I hit the wall and ended up in bed, with the vaporizer on. I called the doctor and they say a virus and it has to run it's course.

I haven't had a run of the mill sickness in two years. I take so many vitamins and supplements for to Lyme Disease that I thought my immune system was impenetrable. I guess not. I am concerned that I am really messing with my immune system with antibiotics, but I have no choice being that as soon as I go off them, the Lyme symptoms come back. I am hoping that after this rotation that I am on, I might be able to back off a little. Probably not. I just read on a Lyme forum I belong to of another Lyme patient who relapsed after being off antibiotics for 5 months.

I am pretty tired of feeling unwell. People take for granted their health. I know I did. For me it's a distant memory of what it's like to sleep a full night, wake up refreshed, hop out of bed, put on a pot of coffee, take a shower and head out to work. My mornings are usually more like a lifting of the fog, because many nights I have to take something to help me sleep. After I am up a while, I take an assessment of how I am feeling. It's never more that 70% well..and that's a really good day. Fatigue, and body aches are usually my two demons, depending on how they decide to plaque on a given day.

I feel especially bad today, given I have Lyme, co infections and this nasty URI on top of everything. I wish I could shut it off like a switch, just make it stop for a week. It's just so exhuasting to always be sick.

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