Thursday, November 19, 2009

What's A Nice Girl Like You Doing In A Place Like This?

Treating Lyme Disease and Co-infections is done with rotations of antibiotics and sometimes herbal remedies. All the diseases have lifecyles, take on different forms, and are only killed off during their reproductive cycles. When the diseases are initially hit by antibiotics, they release neuro toxins into the blood stream causing the patient to "herx" (short of Herxheimer Reaction - Google it) and feel worse until the dead toxins are detoxed from the body. Factor in a 2 or 3 different diseases, ie, Lyme, Bartonella, Babesia like me; length of time the diseases have been harbored, sensitivities and changes in medications and it is understandable how long treatment can take. Also, because of the toxicity of the medications, patients can develop complications like yeast which force a break in the treatment schedule. I personally had a 5 month break in treatment which set things back for and sent me into a full on relapse.

So it sounds simple, hit the bugs with antibiotics, wait for the bugs to die, and detox the dead stuff from your body, and you are well. It does sound simple, except there are tons of other scary possible auto immune responses, previously mentioned sensitivities to medications, heavy metals, genes which prevent proper detoxing, clogged detox pathways, and alot more I knew but probably forgot.

Today I called the Drs. office to speak to the PA. My first appt with this new (my third) LLMD (Lyme Literate Medical Doctor) was November 5th. It was a four and a half hour appt. They were very thorough going over my history, drawing bloods, a physical etc. My treatment protocol included Minocin, Plaquenil, Tindamax, Zith, b12 shots, Nystatin. The first Minocin I took, gave me a major migraine, so I called and they said to hold off the Mino for a while. I have been gradually increasing the Zith and Plaquenil. I am still at only half the dosage for the Plaquenil. My sleep has become interrupted and I have had this dizzy, confused, inability to concentrate feeling. I think it's from the Plaquenil. I am willing to tough it out and stay on it, if it's just bugs dieing off, but if it's a serious side effect, I am sure they will take me off.

This is how it goes with Lyme. Trying meds, feeling their effect, and trying to stay on them. Forever wondering if taking all these meds is really doing more harm than good to your body, wondering how much longer it will take to get back to some reasonable shadow of yourself, wondering if you be able to participate in the next family holiday, wondering if you be well enough to attend your kids' future graduation, ....all the time wondering.....what's a nice girl like you doing in a place like this?

1 comment:

  1. The medical terms are a frightening reality! Thank you for having the strength to write these blogs. Thank you for having the courage to share your story. Thank you for having the patience to educate others. Thank you for being you. God bless. LAURA BALDWIN
